Capital gains table

Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Definition: Table that expands the fixed investment component of the input-output (I-O) use table to show the types of new equipment, new structures, and software used by each industry.
Child support

U.S. Census Bureau

Definition: Data on award of child support payments were collected from people 15 years or older with children under 21 years of age whose other parent was not living in the household. Information on recipiency and amount of payments was obtained from people who reported that they were awarded or had agreements to receive child support payments. Reason for nonaward of child support. Final agreement pending: A child support agreement was awaiting final court, magisterial, or legal action before becoming final, and/or a voluntary written agreement was not yet final. Joint custody granted: Housing, care, and support of the child(ren) was shared by both parents; therefore, no money or other support was exchanged. Did not want child support: The custodial parent indicated he/she did not want child support for own child(ren). Unable to locate other parent: Child support was desired, but the child(ren)’s noncustodial parent could not be located. Unable to establish paternity: Child support arrangements could not be made because the child(ren)’s paternity could not be established. Some other reason: The custodial parent wanted child support, and the reason for nonaward did not fit any of the reasons listed above. Inclusion of health insurance in child support award. This item refers to whether the child(ren)’s noncustodial parent had made health insurance arrangements for his/her child(ren) as part of the child support award. Arrangements for health insurance could have been made by the noncustodial parent purchasing a separate policy for the child(ren) or including the child(ren) under the health insurance provided by his/her employer. In either event, the purchase of, or inclusion of, health insurance must be part of the child support agreement. Insurance taken out by the custodial parent but paid for from child support payment by the noncustodial parent is not included. Type of child support arrangement. Voluntary written agreement: Voluntary written agreements between the parties. This agreement may or may not have been recognized by the courts as part of the divorce or separation proceedings. This type of agreement was not ordered by the courts. Court ordered: Payments ordered by the court. Court-ordered payments usually take place when a mutually acceptable agreement cannot be worked out between the parties. Other: Arrangements not within either of the two cases above. This category includes informal verbal agreements.

College enrollment

U.S. Census Bureau

Definition: The college enrollment statistics are based on replies to the interviewer’s inquiry as to whether the person was attending or enrolled in school and the grade or school or year of college. Interviewers were instructed to count as enrolled anyone who had been enrolled at any time during the current term or school year, except those who have left for the remainder of the term. Thus, regular college enrollment includes those people attending a 4-year or 2-year college, university, or professional school (such as medical or law school) in courses that may advance the student toward a recognized college or university degree (e.g., BA or MA). Attendance may be either full time or part time, during the day or night. The college student need not be working toward a degree, but he/she must be enrolled in a class for which credit would be applied toward a degree. (see ”school enrollment”). Students are classified by year of college, based on the academic year (not calendar year) they are attending. Undergraduate years are the 1st through 4th year, or freshman through senior. Graduate or professional school years include the 5th year and higher. Two-year and four-year colleges: College students were asked to report whether the college in which they were enrolled was a 2-year college (junior or community college) or a 4-year college or university. Students enrolled in the first 4 years (undergraduates) were classified by the type of college they reported. Graduate students are shown as a separate group. Attendance, full-time and part-time. College students were classified according to whether they were attending school on a full-time or part-time basis. A student was regarded as attending college full time if he/she was taking 12 or more hours of classes during the average school week, and part time if he/she was taking less than 12 hours of classes during the average school week.

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