School enrollment

U.S. Census Bureau

Definition: The school enrollment statistics from the CPS are based on replies to the interviewer’s inquiry whether the person was enrolled in regular school. Interviewers were instructed to count as enrolled anyone who had been enrolled at any time during the current term or school year in any type of public, parochial, or other private school in the regular school system. Such schools include nursery schools, kindergartens, elementary schools, high schools, colleges, universities, and professional schools. Attendance may be on either a full-time, or part-time basis and during the day or night. Regular schooling is that which may advance a person toward an elementary or high school diploma, a college, university, or professional school degree. Children enrolled in nursery schools and kindergarten are included in the enrollment figures for regular schools and are also shown separately. Enrollment in schools which are not in the regular school system, such as trade schools, business colleges, and schools for the mentally handicapped, which do not advance students to regular school degrees, is not included. People enrolled in classes which do not require physical presence in school, such as correspondence courses or other courses of independent study, and in training courses given directly on the job, are also excluded from the count of those enrolled in school, unless such courses are being counted for credit at a regular school. School enrollment in year preceding current survey: An inquiry on enrollment in regular school or college in October of the preceding year was asked for all people (enrolled and not enrolled). In years before 1988, the question was asked only of people who were not currently attending regular school or were enrolled in college. In the tabulations of people enrolled in secondary school in the previous year, people currently enrolled in high school were assumed to have been enrolled the previous year. Comparability of enrollment data in previous years: Changes in the edit and tabulation packages used in processing the October CPS school enrollment supplement caused some minor revisions in the estimates. The current edit and tabulation package began with 1987 data. The 1986 data which were published in Current Population Report, Series P-20 No. 429, were reprocessed with the rewritten programs in order to clarify comparability. Time series tables usually show only the revised estimates for 1986. The previous edit and tabulation package was used from 1967 to 1986. Major changes in the data due to the 1987 edit revisions were: (1) Among 14- and 15-year-olds, an edit improvement allowed people with enrollment data not reported, who were previously automatically imputed ”not enrolled,” to be enrolled; (2) Revisions in tabulation of enrollment in the previous year simplifies calculation of an annual high school dropout rate; (3) Edit improvements caused increases in college enrollment estimates, most notably above age 24; this age group was largely ignored in earlier edits; (4) Type of college is fully allocated (discussed earlier); (5) Tabulations of type of college (2-year, 4-year) are available by race; (6) Dependent family member is defined consistently; (7) New tabulations of employment status, vocational course enrollment, college retention and re-entry, and families with children enrolled in public and private school were available beginning in 1987. In the series of reports on school enrollment for 1987 to 1992, race and Hispanic origin were erroneously tabulated for a small percentage of children 3 to 14 years old. Race and Hispanic origin of an adult in the household were attributed to the child, rather than using the child’s reported characteristics. In the vast majority of cases these characteristics were the same for family members, but for a small percentage of children, they were different. The correction made the following proportional changes in the numbers of children in each group: White (-0.5 percent), Black (+3.1 percent), Hispanic origin (-4.6 percent). Published data on enrollment from the October CPS for 1981 to 1993 used population controls based on the 1980 census. Beginning in 1994 estimates were based on 1990 census population controls, including adjustment for undercount. Time series tables show two sets of data for 1993; the data labeled 1993r were processed using population controls based on the 1990 census, adjusted for undercount. The change in 1994 from a paper and pencil survey to a computer assisted survey had some affect on the data. Most notable, the enrollment question for children 3 to 5 years old was different from the question for older children–it included a reference to nursery school. In 1994 reported nursery school enrollment was significantly higher than in earlier years.

School, dropout rate, annual high school

U.S. Census Bureau

Definition: The annual high school dropout rate is an estimate of the proportion of students who drop out of school in a single year. This section briefly explains how the annual dropout rate is calculated; for further explanation and details of its derivation see Current Population Report, Series P-20, No. 413, ”School Enrollment–Social and Economic Characteristics of Students: October 1983.” Annual dropout rates for a single grade (x) are estimated as the ratio of the number of people who were enrolled in grade (x) in the year preceding the survey and who did not complete grade (x) and are not currently enrolled, to the number enrolled in grade (x) at the start of the year preceding this survey. People reported as enrolled last year but not currently enrolled are presented in table 8 of Current Population Reports on school enrollment, by the highest grade completed and are presumed to have dropped out of the succeeding grade (except those who graduated this year). Thus, individuals counted as 10th grade dropouts are those not enrolled in school whose highest grade completed is the 9th grade. (They include not only those people who were enrolled in the 10th grade in the fall of the year preceding the survey and left school without completing the year, but also those people who finished the 9th grade in the spring preceding the survey and were not enrolled at the survey date.) These estimates form the numerator of estimates of the annual grade specific dropout rate. People currently enrolled in high school are presumed to have successfully completed and been enrolled in the preceding grade in the preceding year. Thus, those who have successfully completed the 10th grade are enrolled in the 11th grade. Along with the people who dropped out of that grade, they comprise the denominator of the estimate of the annual grade-specific dropout rate. Dropout from grade n = Not enrolled and highest grade completed = n-1 —————————————————————————————————— Enrolled in grade n+1 + Not enrolled and highest grade completed = n-1 Since people who complete the 12th grade cannot be presumed to enroll in college, the estimate of the number of people enrolled in the 12th grade one year prior to the survey is constructed as the sum of the number of people reported as having graduated from high school ”this year” (both those enrolled in the first year of college and people not currently enrolled whose highest grade completed is the 12th grade) and those people not currently enrolled who were enrolled last year and whose highest grade completed is the 11th grade (dropouts). The annual dropout rate for all grades during one year can be obtained by summing the components of the rates for the individual grades. In other words, those people who were enrolled in the tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grade last year and who are not currently enrolled and do not have a diploma. In addition to the annual rate, two other estimates of dropouts are frequently used. The annual dropout rate is different from a ”pool” (or status) measure such as the proportion of an age group who are high school dropouts (not enrolled in school, not high school graduates, which does not depend on when the individuals dropped out. A third measure of dropouts is the cohort measure, most commonly from a longitudinal study, in which one calculates the proportion of a specific group of people enrolled in a specific year, who had not received diplomas (and who were no longer in school) some years later. For example, the proportion of a cohort enrolled in ninth grade in year X, who were not enrolled and had not received a diploma by year X=4.

Economics: Principles & Practices

Definition: Market in which all financial assets can be sold to someone other than the original issuer; market for corporate bonds, government bonds

Definition: work or labor performed for someone; economic product that includes haircuts, home repairs, forms of entertainment

Economics: Principles & Practices

Definition: Theory that employers are willing to pay more for people with certificates, diplomas, degrees, and other indicators of superior ability

Size of household, family, or subfamily

Related Term(s): Family  Household, Subfamily

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Definition: bank that receives its charter from the state in which it operates
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